Saturday, August 7, 2010

What's Your Favorite Color?

Like I mentioned in the first blog, Murisa and I often have fancy dinner parties. For one our more recent dinners (which was lovely because I had been on-set all day and came home to an amazing dinner already prepared and on the table thanks to Tiny and Miney, aka Murisa and her mom :), our guest was Bill's college roommate, Keith (Bill is Murisa's boyfriend).

This picture to the left is our Cookie Monster dresser. It's a solid wood piece that an old neighbor was throwing out that I rescued. My West Coast Mom (WCM) Em and I, along with two other friendly Sherman Oaks neighbors, moved this huge piece from the back of the parking lot into my apartment by literally flipping and laying it side by side. A very Ross Geller "pivot" moment, if you will. This is when the four of us decided that this is how the pyramids were built, and of course by women. Then a month later, the Cookie Monster got moved again from Sherman Oaks to West Hollywood, thanks to my dear friend Daniel's help and my WCM. The original plan was to have it in my bedroom as my dresser, but it didn't fit through the narrow hall leading into my room, so it ended up in our kitchen and one of our most visual pieces. Murisa and I decided to paint it this beautiful, bright teal color. Bill, our very own comedy screenwriter, nicknamed it the Cookie Monster. It also stores our wine fridge, which let's face it, makes it that much cooler.

The reason I'm writing about this piece is because it had an extra addition on it the night we dined with Keith (and I also might be proud of this piece and want to show it off ... especially to my mom and dad :). Murisa's mother was in town and on a grocery shopping trip, they found me the most perfect little treat -- a wine bag with a Star of David on it. If you know me, you know my love of the Jewish culture. I tend to have many Jewish friends, date Jewish men, and am continually fascinated by Judaism. But we'll get to the reason why in a minute. So naturally, this wine bag is a conversational piece just as much as the Cookie Monster is.

Keith asked "why the Jewish bag?" Bill, Murisa and her mom chuckled.
Murisa said "Keith...what's your favorite color?"
Keith looked at Murisa like 'what does this have to do with a Jewish bag?'
Murisa continued ...
"Heather's favorite color is Jew."
There could not be a truer statement.

I love Jews and the idea of being Jewish ... which brings me to past lives ... I believe in past lives ... I have dreams where I'm speaking Hebrew ... I clearly don't speak Hebrew in this current life, which brings me to believe many of my lives have been spent in a Jewish culture (except for the lifetime when Murisa and I were nuns together, but we were rabble-rousing against whatever we were nunning -- but that's a whole other blog entry and astrology reading).

So the point of this post is to clarify that I am proud of my love for the Jewish culture and I am proud of my piece of furniture. Not only do I paint faces, but also large pieces of solid wood furniture. Not surprising since my dad is such a craftsmen.

1 comment:

35jupe said...

In 3-D reality, the Cookie Monster is heavier than it appears to be in 2-D. And bluer. It's seriously cool.